Minutes of the 204nd Meeting of the AMCC held in New York, NY on 10/12/2024, hosted by Empire CIty MC.
President Joe Gebbie called the meeting to order at 11:05 AM.
Present: Bay State Marauders, Centaur MC, C.O.M.M.A.N.D MC, D.C. Bear Club, Empire City MC, Excelsior MC, Long Island Ravens MC, Mid-Atlantic Uniform League (MAUL), The Pennsmen, Philadelphians MC, Pocono Warriors, Teddy Bear Leather Club of Virginia, Twilight Guard
Proxies: Harbor Masters gave their proxy to Bay State Marauders, Potomac MC gave their proxy to COMMAND MC, Baltimore Shipmates gave their proxy to DC Bear Club, Three Rivers Leather Club gave their proxy to the Philadelphians
Absent: Knight Hawks of Virginia
Quorum was established.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The Philadelphians moved to accept the minutes of the 203rd meeting. Seconded by Centaur MC. Motion passed.
Officer Reports
President: Joseph Gebbie thanked Empire City MC for hosting the meeting.
Gebbie called for a meeting for purposes of election of officers to be held March 22 during the Long Island Ravens MC anniversary run. Location and time to be determined by the presidents of AMCC and Long Island Ravens. Details to be provided to Clubs as soon as possible.
A ratification of the called meting was moved by Philadelphians and seconded by MAUL and was PASSED.
Vice-President: Michael Kliewer acknowledged receipt from Excelsior MC for a meeting on May 17, 2025.
Secretary: Justin Sawyers was unable to attend. President appointed Treasurer as Acting Secretary for this meeting.
Treasurer: Paul Rose's full written report is appended at the end of this document.
Centaur MC moved to accept Treasurer’s Report. Pennsmen seconded. Motion PASSED.
Committee Reports
Had contact with current Mr Euro Leather who wants to do what AMCC has done re history for that of European Council of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC)
Has spoken with officers of Mid-America Conference of Clubs (MACC) which is considering doing a history.
Has talked in general to other clubs whose events he has attended about AMCC and leather history.
Scott Erickson presented a package of the 60-year history of Empire City MC to the officers of that club.
Nothing to report.
Reminded by the Council to update the Calendar and to review and update the email links to the clubs' emails as many are not valid.
Old Business
None to discuss.
New Business
Sanctioned Events 2025 Requests
- January 10-12 - Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend. Sanction requested by Centaur MC. Please note it is one week earlier due to the presidential inauguration.
- March 13-16 – Pennsmen 48th Anniversary. Note that the event weekend will start on a Thursday.
- March 21-23 – Long Island Ravens MC 30th Anniversary and Call Meeting for AMCC on March 22. Note that this Call Meeting counts for attendance but does not affect point system.
- May 21-23 – Excelsior MC for “Lust for Life” run on Fire Island, NY. AMCC Meeting has also been granted for May 22. The Call Meeting requested in March 2025 does not count toward the 60-day rule between AMCC meetings, as the October 12, 2024 meeting will be considered the most recent.
- July 25-27 – Teddy Bear Leather Club (TLBC) will be hosting Camp Out.
- November 28-29 – Bucks MC are hosting the 52nd Santa Saturday.
- December 6 – Empire City MC Holiday Party
Additional requests, amendments, deletions can be made at the March call meeting
submit in writing to the Secretary by 30 days prior to that meeting.
Award for Excellence
- Philadelphians MC nominated Excelsior MC for the Scavenger Hunt organized during the run on Fire Island May 2024. By the rules of the Award, when only one nomination is made it must be ratified by a vote.
- Vote PASSED.
Torrid Tuber
- Philadelphians MC nominated LI Ravens MC for the leaky restaurant shared room dinner March 2024
- Torrid Tuber was present and was immediately passed to the Ravens.
AMCC Office Nomination for April 5, 2025 – April 4, 2027
- Nominations for President
- Michael Conley (Long Island Ravens)
- Joe Gebbie (Excelsior MC)
- Nominations for Vice President
- Micheal Kliewer (COMMAND MC)
- Nominations for Secretary
- Gabriel Rivas (Excelsior MC)
- Nominations for Treasurer
No further nominations or write-ins are permitted.
Ballots will be mailed out and are to be returned to the Secretary not later than March 1, 2025. Ballots may be brought by hand to the call meeting on March 22 but will not be counted if not presented at that time.
No floor voting will happen unless there is a tie, or a candidate drops out leaving no nominee for an office.
Good & Welfare
All Clubs present and by proxy congratulated Empire City MC on their 60th anniversary.
Bucks MC
Hotel for Santa Saturday is over 60% full; if you want a room, please contact the New Hope Inn and Suites 215-862-5221 asap and mention that you are coming for the Bucks MC event
Centaur MC
MAL is one week earlier than usual on January 10-12 due to Inaugural events
Empire City MC
Thank you to everyone for coming. Please familiarize yourself with this historic gay bar which is part of the LGBTQ+ National Park established by President Obama
If you are attending the dinner boat cruise, please note the information in the weekend program book and be on time; the boat sails promptly.
LI Ravens MC
Our 33rd anniversary weekend is March 21-23 and there is an AMCC meeting on March 22. Details are still being worked out for the restaurant and hotel. Please watch our web site for info and registration.
Our anniversary weekend is March 13-16 in Harrisburg, PA. Registration for the weekend and hotel information is currently on our web site. Please note that the event starts on Thursday.
Philadelphians MC
Our anniversary dinner on October 19 is sold out.
The ShipMates Club of Baltimore wishes to congratulate the Empire City MC on 60 years of service to the LGBT community.
The annual Daddy Christmas fundraiser will be on Saturday, December 7.
The annual Holiday Party will be on December 21.
Although this is an old-fashioned tent run on July 25-27, there is a near-by Quality Inn only 7 minutes’ drive away. RVs can be accommodated but there are no hook-ups for water and electricity.
Three Rivers LC
New officers to be announced
Twilight Guard
Condolences to Empire City MC on the death of their member, Michael Matles. He was a former member of Twilight Guard.
Philadelphians MC motioned for adjournment. Centaur MC seconded. Motion PASSED.
President Joseph Gebbie adjourned the meeting at 11:55am.
Respectfully submitted,
Justin Sawyers
OCTOBER 12, 2024
FOR THE PERIOD 4/21/24-10/12/24
Beginning balance 5871.64 as of 4/21/24
500.00 Donation Centaur MC 4/22/24
30.00 10 Patches Pennsmen 4/22/24
30.00 10 Patches Harbor Masters 5/1/24
300.00 Donation Pennsmen 8/12/24
Ending balance 6731.64 as of 10/12/24
7 AMCC banners on hand
163 patches on hand
106 pins on hand
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Rose
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