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AMCC BIKE EVENT PLANNING GUIDELINES The following recommendations were established by the Bucks MC, Empire City MC, and other former member motorcycle clubs and adopted by the AMCC in 1984. These recommendations are to be kept in mind when any club plans bike events as a part of its run. Keeping these guidelines in mind should help foster the safety and security of all participants and the integrity of their respective motorcycles. IT MUST BE STRONGLY EMPHASIZED THAT THE SAFETY OF THE RIDERS, THE BUDDIES, AND ANY OBSERVERS IS PARAMOUNT. IN ROAD EVENTS (ie. rallies, poker runs, scavenger hunts, etc.), SKILL EVENTS, AND BUDDY EVENTS These events require careful planning in the development, lay-out, and rechecking of the lay-out. ROAD EVENTS1. Avoid placing stops on curves or just prior to or after curves. Overtaking and/or on-coming traffic could run into motorcycles slowing down to pull off or which are pulling on to the road. (see #2) 2. Look for spots on the shoulders to safely pull off that will accommodate several motorcycles together and that will allow visibility of on-coming and overtaking traffic. The shoulder at the pull off should be level with the pavement and will allow for safe parking. 3. If gravel roads must be used, warn all drivers in advance. 4. Plan the route carefully. Have someone ride it on a motorcycle, check to see that the length and time are reasonable and will fit into the scheduled time for the event. Have someone ride the entire route just prior to the event to see if the planned route is still usable (detours, bridges open, landmarks as described?). If road surfaces have changed (fresh tar, hard-packed gravel now full of potholes, etc.), advise all drivers or change the route. 5. Cumulative and/or point-to-point mileage is helpful. The use of an automobile to determine mileage is best because of the wide variations in motorcycle odometers and tire circumferences. 6. Obey all traffic regulations. Requiring an illegal turn or expecting drivers to exceed the speed limit in order to complete the event on time makes no one happy. (see #4) 7. If you place marks on the road, place them where they are clearly visible. Place them in advance of a stop or turn and repeat them at the stop or turn. Provide a clear and complete description of all marks in writing to all drivers. Never obscure or put marks on an officially placed traffic or mileage sign. 8. Scavenger hunt items must be obtained legally, with permission as necessary, and at minimal cost to the participants. 9. Maps in sealed envelopes are to be made available to all drivers so that any who become lost can find their way back to the run site or start or end point of the event. It is permissible to disqualify any driver or driver/buddy team who opens a map envelope either out of need or accidentally. Telephone numbers should be provided in the sealed envelope as well so that drivers experiencing difficulty (breakdown/accident) can call for help from the organizers. SKILL EVENTSThese events should test the individual skill of a driver in handling his/her motorcycle. Safety is extremely important. A. The size (cc's) of different motorcycles and whether or not they are dressed (farings, saddle bags, sissy bar, trunk, etc.) will have a direct affect on the outcome of these events. It is recommended that the organizers place similar motorcycles in competition with each other rather than expecting all motorcycles to compete equally. B. Terrain (lay of the land) will have a direct affect on the type of events that can be safely planned and undertaken. The ideal terrain is a paved lot, a dry and well mowed field, hard-packed dry dirt. Mud, wet dirt, or dry grass with wet ground under it are NOT acceptable. Pavement should be dry and as free of oily or slick spots as possible. C. The overall site should be as flat as possible, not have holes, trees, walls, fences, or large unmovable rocks in proximity to the area where a specific event is to take place. The site should be clear of temporary objects such as tents and vehicles not participating in the event. Obstructions that cannot be removed or filled in must be clearly marked and pointed out. The planned events should not require the motorcycle to pass over, around, or next to any obstructions. If necessary, events should begin near an obstruction and then have the motorcycle move away from it as the event is undertaken and completed. D. The organizers must attempt a planned event on a motorcycle to see if it can be done by a moderately skilled driver. This will serve to help set scoring and judging parameters. E. High speed and/or best fast time events are NOT to be organized. F. Requiring riding on to, off of, or over obstacles, ramps, teeter-tawters, etc. is DANGEROUS and is NOT to be done. Both wheels of a motorcycle are to remain in contact with the ground at all times. G. The driver must have full and unimpaired manual and visual control of the motorcycle while it is in motion. H. Despite careful planning, accidents with or without injuries may still occur. Have a properly stocked first aid kit available along with a list of near-by medical facilities/physicians along with telephone numbers and best route directions to them. It may be helpful to identify run participants with medical and/or first aid skills and have them present at or readily on-call to the event site. Have a tool kit available so that drivers can repair any minor damage to their motorcycles. A motorcycle trailer should be available so that a damaged motorcycle can be taken to the driver's home or nearest repair facility. BUDDY RIDER EVENTSThese can often be the most fun to plan and to observe. However, they can offer the most hazards. Careful planning and safety must be undertaken. Remember, two persons are at risk for injury in these events due to the action or lack thereof by one or both. 1. All of the points above under SKILL EVENTS pertain here. 2. The driver must make sure that his/her buddy rider knows the basics of riding and balance. A driver has the right to refuse to carry any buddies or a specific buddy. 3. Requiring the buddy rider to stand up while the motorcycle is in motion is strongly NOT recommended. 4. The driver should NOT be involved in the event except in the control of the motorcycle while the motorcycle is in motion. Activities/actions that may distract the driver (ie. placing items on the driver while the motorcycle is moving) may cause loss of control and subsequent injury to the driver and/or buddy. 5. Both the driver and the buddy rider should wear appropriate protective attire. 6. The organizers must attempt the planned event on a motorcycle with a buddy rider to see if it can be accomplished by a buddy seated behind the driver while the motorcycle is moving without causing control issues. 7. The skills of the driver should be regarded separately from the buddy even though they must work as a team. Well planned events will ensure the enjoyment of all participants. Careful planning will take time and may result in the change of or the abandonment of a particular event. The final outcome is for all to have a good time, remain uninjured and undamaged, willing to participate, and willing to return and participate in the future.
GUIDELINESThe following recommendations were adopted by the AMCC in 2008 at the 158th meeting. These recommendations are to be kept in mind when any club plans people events as a part of its run. Keeping these guidelines in mind should help foster the safety and security of all participants. People events can be a lot of fun and offer flexibility in what is planned. In planning any game the following should be kept in mind: 1. The game should be played by members of the host club to set parameters for judging, point scoring and for timing the event. If your club members cannot win or score points, how could run participants be expected to do so? 2. The layout of any game should take into account where it is to be played. Hazards to participants must be identified and removed, if possible, or pointed out to participants. Hazards which cannot be removed should be as far away from the participants as possible. Some hazards may require the modification of a game or the abandonment of the game and the substitution of another. Also, game activities should not pose a danger to observers. By example: observers should be cleared from the area of darts thrown either accurately or errantly. 3. Games which require participants to lie down, kneel, or be on all fours should have a form of protection of the body from the surface. Participants should be encouraged to wear appropriate foot and/or head gear for the specific game as necessary. 4. Games which include the deprivation of the participant’s sight or ability to move all or part of the body can risk physical harm to the participant. Such games should be planned with a minimum of required motion by the participant. 5. Games which involve the potential of physical pain should be avoided. Games which involve the use of easily damaged body parts should be avoided. (Genital tug of war or the application of weights to various parts of the body are examples.) A fetish may not be an appropriate game for all run participants. 6. Any game which involves the use of any item which will be inserted into the body or which will come in contact actually or potentially with body fluids that have been shown to be transmitters of disease must provide for a clean item per participant or the item must be properly cleaned between uses by multiple participants. 7. If the organizers plan games that will be held in water or a swimming pool of any depth, the organizers must determine if individual participants know how to swim and may exclude anyone from participation who does not know how to swim. 8. Games which are less physically demanding are to be provided in order to accommodate those with medical issues or more years of life experience. Expecting a person with a heart condition or who is elderly to run is potentially dangerous. 9. Games which are less physically demanding are to be offered in the same number as those which are physically demanding in order for all participants to be able to participate in games to the same extent. A game which involves running should be matched with a game that requires no running; a wrestling game could be matched with a game of darts, cards, or a board game. Despite careful planning, accidents with or without injuries may still occur. Have a properly stocked first aid kit available along with a list of near-by medical facilities/physicians along with telephone numbers and best route directions to them. It may be helpful to identify run participants with medical and/or first aid skills and have them present at the location of the people games or readily on-call. Creativity in the planning of games is to be encouraged.
Adopted by the AMCC on March 3, 1979. Its use is urged. If a member club declines to use this, it should clearly explain to its run attendees what system is being used. INDIVIDUAL ATTENDANCE PARTICIPATION1. One point for each member and pledge who is attending the run. 2. One point for each 100 miles or fraction thereof that each member and pledge traveled to get to the run site. The host club may calculate this distance traveled by each member and pledge from the point of departure to get to the run OR from the home city of each club member's club whichever is nearer. 3. Five points for arriving as the driver of a motorcycle. Three points for arriving as a buddy rider. One point for trailering the motorcycle to within 100 miles of the run site. No points for arrival by any other means. 4. No individual may accumulate more than 10 points using items 1, 2, and 3 above. EVENT PARTICIPATION5. One point per event to each member and pledge who registers for and attempts to complete it (bike, buddy, people). An individual may enter as many events as time allows but may enter each event only once for points. Drivers in buddy events are not awarded any points. BONUS POINTS: Nine points to the individual who comes in first on any event. Seven points to the individual who comes in second on any event. Five points to the individual who comes in third on any event. (Bonus points are awarded regardless of any event trophies the host club may give out.) 6. The above is awarded to each individual member and pledge in each club as so noted in points 1-5. Each individual's score is totaled up and all individual scores for each member and pledge in each club are totaled together to give each attending club a total score. CLUB PARTICIPATION7. To the total score awarded to each club as the result of the process in #6, the following is added: The number of points resulting from the following calculation -- #of members & pledges attending the run divided by the #of members and pledges in the club multiplied by 100 The denominator is to be determined as follows: a. the actual number on the date of the run as certified by an officer of that club OR b. the number certified to the AMCC under Article III of the Articles of Agreement REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER PROVIDED BY A OR B, THE DENOMINATOR MAY NOT BE LESS THAN TEN The host club may award one club participation trophy or may divide club participation into biking and non-biking club categories. ALL items above will apply to bike clubs; but those items under point #3 will not apply to non-biking clubs. Each club must declare itself each January in the biking or non-biking category and may not change its category during that calendar year. Any club which requires at least 51% of its members to own motorcycles must declare itself in the biking club category. NOTES:On point #1. Attending means having paid the run fee and having appeared on the run site for any portion of the event. On point #2. This is to prevent persons "on tour" from getting maximum points. For example: a person registered on a run who leaves from home and comes directly to the run site is awarded all the points due; but if that person is traveling before the run, points are awarded from the point of departure to go directly to the run site or home, whichever is nearer. On point #3. If a motorcycle is trailered to within 100 miles of the run site, only one point is given to the driver even if the driver subsequently rides the bike onto the run site; an accompanying buddy rider gets no points. On point #5. Each individual may enter as many events as often as permitted. One point per event entered and attempted once per event regardless of the number of times attempted. By example: A buddy rides behind five different drivers in the same event so he gets one point NOT FIVE. A people event requires two people to work as a team and one person enters two times to accommodate an extra person so he gets one point NOT TWO. NOTE: To get the point the individual must actually attempt the event and not just have registered for it; the event need not be completed to get the point. Bonus points are awarded to individual winners over all. By example: first place in a people event is won by a member of ABC club so he gets 9 points; second place is won by a GDI so no one gets 7 points; third place is won by a pledge of XYZ club so he gets 5 points. In the award ceremony only first place is acknowledged but the bonus points are awarded anyway.
A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE TORRID TUBER The Torrid Tuber (Hot Potato), the "booby prize" of the AMCC, was dreamed up by Second City MC of Chicago (no longer in existence) and presented in July, 1969. There is no record as to why it was presented or why the award was created. The custom came into being, apparently suggested by Second City MC, that the club currently holding the Torrid Tuber add its colors to the "award" and would be able to pass it on to another AMCC member club at its discretion. This is how the "award" was passed until 1976 when it stopped circulating. It was later determined that Wheels MC of New York City held the Torrid Tuber. When questioned as to its whereabouts, the representative of Wheels MC, Dean Sanford, admitted that Wheels had it and had no intention of giving it out. Why? Dean said that every time Wheels MC had given out the Tuber it had gotten it right back; therefore, they decided to hold it permanently until it was forgotten. With this inquiry, Wheels MC would pass it on in due course. In 1979, Wheels MC passed the Torrid Tuber to the officers of the AMCC, then in office, for the 1976 Bicentennial All Club Run. The officers at that time pointed out that they had nothing to do with that Run (an admitted political fiasco). However, Wheels MC remained adamant that the current officers were in direct line from those of 1974-76 and thus remained culpable. The officers (Don Craver, president; Keith Battin, vice-president; Roger Pegram, secretary; Paul Rose, treasurer) met to decide what to do. It was recognized that the officers had no means of passing on the Torrid Tuber that would be acceptable. Instead, the officers recommended to the AMCC that the Council adopt the process of voting out the Torrid Tuber once a year at the last meeting of the year to cover the period from the last meeting of the previous year up to but not including the current meeting. The member clubs would present nominations for the "award" and the clubs present would vote to bestow the Torrid Tuber on the one nominee with the most votes (a plurality, not a majority). That is how the Torrid Tuber had been awarded since December 1980, with each proud recipient adding its colors, or something, to the collection. In 1999 the Council decided to retire the trophy and send it to the Leather Archives in Chicago. The trophy had become unwieldy and sort of a "rube goldberg" contraption with all the additions over the years. In November 2010, the Council voted to revive the Torrid Tuber with a newly acquired trophy and using the process adopted in 1980 along with the ability of a majority of the officers of the Council to determine if a nomination is or is not in the spirit of this fun award.
It is customary to sing the USA National Anthem last if there will be more than one national anthem sung during a club sponsored event in the USA. It is customary to sing the Canadian National Anthem last if there will be more than one national anthem sung during a club sponsored event in Canada. It is customary to sing the United Kingdom National Anthem last if there will be more than one national anthem sung during a club sponsored event in the UK. It is customary to sing the national anthem of each nation which has a citizen registered on a club event/run. However, it is solely at the discretion of each member club whether or not to sing national anthems and which to sing.